The Canonbury Pub - London, N1


Apparently there are over 7,000 pubs in London.

'Wow, that’s a lot of pubs!' I hear you exclaim. Yes, it is, but if you're a Londoner or someone who has spent any time at all in our great city, you will be well aware that Londoners do love a good public house. London pubs come in many guises, including ‘old man’s pub’, ‘gastro-pub’ and ‘packed new hip place in Shoreditch with Bingo on a Wednesday, pale ale and achingly trendy people in sweatshirts’.

Personally, I find it hard to slot The Canonbury into any kind of category other than ‘a good one’. It's part-gastro, a-little-bit-posh and very stylish indeed. Situated a stone’s throw away from the highly desirable Canonbury Square in Islington and tucked secretly away from the wonderful buzz of Upper Street, it offers a well stocked bar and restaurant in relaxed and elegant surroundings that remain in keeping with the village-like, leafy area it nestles in.


It is also a discreet piece of London literary history. A regular haunt of George Orwell, the Canonbury was one of the pubs the author amalgamated for his classic 1946 essay The Moon Under the Water (reference: London's Top Five Pub Gardens, Robin Turner, the Guardian, 27 July 2012)

I have frequented The Canonbury on New Year’s Day for a glass (or five) of celebratory fizz with friends, for a three-course lunch with family young and old on a bustling Saturday afternoon and for a pint (or five) while watching the rugby. This is partly why I return – on any occasion the tasteful decor, friendly staff and delicious food never disappoint. If the weather is behaving, the roomy garden with distinctive brown wicker seats is a great place to while away an afternoon in the sunshine. This is London of course, so admittedly it is inside where I have spent most of my time sampling cider in the cosy warmth.

A perfect Saturday afternoon in my eyes starts with a leisurely stroll around Canonbury taking in the grand homes and New River Walk. Then slip into The Canonbury for a pint and some cracking food. Stay awhile to experience some real ale or a good bottle of vino, and then, contentedly leave with a happy heart and a full belly… and go in search for more fun on Upper Street.

Your night has only just begun.


The Canonbury Pub

21 Canonbury Place


N1 2NS

020 7704 2887




Reference: London's Top Five Pub Gardens, Robin Turner, the Guardian, 27 July 2012

Guida de Palma and Jazzinho - Rich Mix, London, 28 February 2014

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A drizzly Friday evening in London can get right on your nerves. Travelling across town's a pain what with drip-dripping umbrellas and steamy tubes and buses. Pubs are packed to the rafters. Your hair's ruined, your shoes squelch. You arrive at your final destination flustered, disheveled and in need of something to make it all a bit better.

Luckily then this rainy Friday I was seeing Guida de Palma perform live with her band Jazzinho - the perfect antidote to the weather.

Jazz FM banner - Guida

The gig was highly anticipated after my recent interview with Guida, and I had been listening to the third studio album - Veludo - on repeat the last few weeks to inject some soul into an otherwise sterile commute. Plus, I love the intimacy of Rich Mix. The crowd's cool, the bar's only a quick step away from anywhere and there's usually room to dance.

Femi Temowo - renowned jazz-guitarist, producer, broadcaster and ex-musical director for Amy Winehouse - warmed up in fine style with his hypnotic bass and instantly likeable character. Anecdotes about his Oyster card and tales of Nigeria provided a colourful backdrop to the music. His face etched with deep concentration, he produced a beautifully distinctive sound and played tracks from his critically acclaimed second album Orin Meta. Blackbird by The Beatles performed in the Yoruba language was an impressive cover brilliantly executed. The audience was mellowed, any former memories of hectic work or reminders of gigantic to-do lists obliterated.

Femi - Guida de Palma

Guida made her entrance elegantly swathed in a gorgeous tan tie-dye patterned dress with a gold collar detail and draped sleeves. With a shout of 'this is for the music lovers' the show began with the track Ready to Feel Again and the crowd instantly responded with appreciation for the bossa and samba infused sounds.

Abraco da Bossa was the first track of the night sang in Guida's native Portuguese and gracefully soulful, and followed by April's Fool. Her enthusiasm on stage was infectious and the music so uplifting that the crowd joined in willingly when invited to participate. Guida spotted me in the audience and, mid-flow, called out 'Hello Nicola!' which, I can't lie, was pretty special.

Guida 1

Jazzinho is comprised of musicians who have played with an impressive range of artists including Eric Clapton, Incognito and the Brand New Heavies, and so you would expect them to know what they are doing. What you get is a lot more - a tight band that makes exemplary music and it felt like an education as well as a treat to be there. Guida seemed genuinely excited and proud to introduce them - Richard Bailey on drums, Julian Crampton on bass, Jim Mullen on guitar, Graham Harvey on keyboard and Femi Temowo back on bass.

Jim Mullen, effortlessly cool and like his fellow band members a seasoned professional, rocked a tucked-in Blue Note Tokyo - World's Finest Jazz Club & Restaurant T-shirt, and it was the best T-shirt ever. I need that T-shirt.

Jim Mullen

With Whispers in the Darkness, written by Luis Barrigas and Guida, she showcased the incredible range of her voice - moving flawlessly from high to low and with both sensuality and strength. She sings in both Portuguese and English, switching masterfully back and forth between the two languages without any jaggedness.

Guida 2

A vantage point at front of stage afforded me a sneak preview of the great soul legend and artist, songwriter and composer Leon Ware hanging out at the sidelines with Jazz FM's Chris Philips and clearly enjoying the show as much as we all were. A pinch-yourself moment if ever there was one. 

Guida has an inspiring stage presence as well as an incredible voice and Papao, written by Graham Harvey and Guida was an uplifting and jazzy performance.


When it was time to introduce Leon Ware, Guida described him as 'the man who kickstarted the album, a musical genius, and a lovely man'. He seemed incredibly humble given the enormity of his success that has spanned over six decades. He said he listened to Guida's music every night, embraced her warmly and together they sang the delicious Anglo-Portuguese blended track and samba-embellished A Seed in You, the song that was an instant hit with Jazz FM and given the airtime it deserved.

The show ended on a high with a cover of I Wanna be Where You Are which Leon Ware co-wrote for Michael Jackson and which I have not stopped playing ever since.


Seeing Guida de Palma and Jazzinho in London goes down as one of my favourite gigs to date and I left with a sense that anyone who didn't know of them or hasn't had the pleasure of being introduced to their music was greatly missing out. This is quality music, tirelessly recorded and passionately performed for music lovers and London (and the world) needs more of it.

After the show I got to meet Guida in person, and she was as warm, enthusiastic and engaging off-stage as she was on it. 

Alex Lloyd, Head of Live at Jazz FM proudly said on his Facebook page 'Yes that is Leon Ware and Guida de Palma together on stage for the first time ever and at my show. Made it happen.

Proud he should be.

You can read a Jazz FM review of Veludo here

Guida de Palma

Leon Ware

Femi Temowo

When Material Whirl met Guida de Palma


I recently had the honour of interviewing Guida de Palma for Jazz FM. Guida is the force behind the band Jazzinho and has collaborated with prestigious artists from all over the world, most recently with the legendary Leon Ware. Let me introduce you to the wonderful Guida and Jazzinho...

I understand you were born in Portugal, classically trained and were only 16 when Jaco Pastorius joined you on stage during one of your very first gigs in Paris. That sounds very exciting - what did that feel like?

I was born in Setubal in Portugal and moved to Paris to study but started to gravitate towards the music world. I found myself being offered a few gigs at a Jazz Club called The Sunset, and there is where Jaco Pastorius came for three nights in a row when I was playing, and it was just an amazing experience; he was an incredible man. I sang with him on stage for the three nights and afterwards we chatted at the bar.

I have this image in my mind; I was playing and then I see Jaco Pastorius coming towards me and grabbing the bass from my bass player… everyone was gob smacked! I still have a tape somewhere as we were recording that night, and a friend of mine was there taking photographs. You can hear me on the mic saying 'Ladies and Gentleman, Jacob Pastorius is coming towards me, oh he is going towards my bassist, he is grabbing his bass, he is PLAYING it!'. It was incredible.


What first brought you to the UK? What were your first impressions and where did you live?

When I was in France I was already singing professionally. There was a band called Heaven 17, who were recording music for a film. I went there to demonstrate to the classically trained singer how to sing a classical piece a little more soulfully. Martin Ware then invited me to sing on the British Electric Foundation [BEF] compilation in London. That was my reason to move to England really. I was based in London and always have been. My first flat was in Queens Park and I stayed there throughout really. A lovely part of London.

In 1991 you featured on BEF's Music of Quality and Distinction Volume 2, alongside Terence Trent D'Arby, Lalah Hathaway and Mavis Staples to name a few. What was this experience like?

It felt incredible because at that time Terence Trent D'Arby was really going very strong and Tina Turner too. To be on the same compilation at the same time as them was incredible. Unfortunately we were not at the studio at the same time but just knowing I was part of that compilation was a great honour, and I will be forever thankful to Martin Ware for having thought of me to be part of it. It was a great album and a wonderful experience.


I love Terence Trent D'Arby, one of my favourite songs is Holding On To You.

You are described as the force behind your band Jazzinho. How did the concept come together and where was the album made? 

I am the only one of the band not based in the UK! The rest of the band are British; it is like an all-star dream team. You have Ian Thomas on Drums, Laurence Cottle on Bass, John Parricelli on Guitar, Thomas Dyani on Percussion, and Gareth Lockrane on Flutes. Martyn Shaw on flugel horn and also Femi Temowo who came to do a solo and play on one song.  They are all amazing! Graham Harvey produced the album.


At my gig at Rich Mix on Friday 28 February, on stage we will have Richard Bailey from Incognito on Drums, Julian Crampton on Bass, and on Guitar the incredible Jim Mullen - aren't I lucky! Graham Harvey will be with me on stage too. The part that we did in Portugal, and the only part that is based outside the UK, is the strings. It was the Philharmonic Strings section of the Lisbon International Symphony Orchestra, from the National Opera, and we recorded it here under a master conductor called Pedro Amaral. That was also an amazing experience and it brought tears to my eyes.

The musicians you play with come from a variety of backgrounds and have played extensively with other artists such as Clapton, Winehouse, Incognito and the Brand New Heavies. I can only imagine the stories and anecdotes they have to tell!

Yes! Anecdotes come up as these are people who have a lot of humour and such a long experience of life, mixed with the playing, and there are a lot of amazing stories to tell.  So, I am sure if we had the occasion of getting all together it would make an interesting programme!

It would make a great documentary!

That is a great idea actually! 

What is the best venue that you and Jazzinho have played at, and why?

I love the Jazz Cafe in London and I am really looking forward to playing at Rich Mix too. In Lisbon we also did Rock in Rio so that was quite a good venue! We have played New York, Chicago, and The Montreal International Jazz Festival in Canada. I am looking forward to going to Japan which we have not played yet.

guida de palma & jazzinho veludo

Your third studio album, VELUDO is currently No 5 in the UK Soul Chart - congratulations! Have you toasted your success?

Yes! With champagne - it is not very original but that is enough for me! I am so surprised because of all of the other names in the chart; at some point I was just under Lalah Hathaway who I love, and I thought, this is the best position to be in! Being in the Top 5 from the Top 30 UK Soul Chart is a great honour and I am really over the moon with that.

Can you tell me more about the background to making the album and what your inspiration was?

What kickstarted the album was the duet with Leon Ware - A Seed in You. Singing that song with that amazing African-American singer  / songwriter / musician extraordinaire since at least six decades, well it is amazing. That definitely motivated me to write more and to want to more.


After the duet, we thought about the songs we had already done with a friend of mine here in Portugal and we contacted Graham Harvey because we love what he does and love his sound. He also had a few songs he wanted to co-write with me, so we had all of that in common. We wanted to have a song-based album - each song with a beginning, a middle and an end and all arranged, and to make it sound souly, jazzy and with a symphonic sound with strings.

We did the rhythm sections at Clowns Pocket Recording Studio with Derek Nash, an amazing recording sound engineer. We started off with four tunes, then afterwards we did crowd funding and we thought we could have eight tunes instead of four. After that we managed to get financing to finish off another four rhythm sections and then we thought, 'why not do it big', and go the full shebang and use a real string orchestra! All of a sudden we had another thirty people to pay so we were really broke, but we are really happy and really proud of this amazing album! Because there was no sampling involved, it was all a labour of love from everybody - from the producers to the musicians to the mixing (Richard Bull) and to the persons who did the graphics and the cover.

The cover was designed by Todd Marrone, a street artist from Philadelphia. Unfortunately he passed away this Christmas and is survived by his lovely and courageous wife and their two young children. He was a very young man, a brilliant man and gave talks on TED. There is a silent auction taking place at the end of March with his art work to help his family.

The album uses each person's artistry at its best to suit my music, and so I am very proud of this album.

Your Manager and Executive Producer Stephan Chalangeas Lauwereis (Stef) described the album as 'a labour of love'. 

Absolutely. Stef is my partner in crime and in life! Another labour of love was the digital mastering. It was mastered by Pauler Acoustics, the last company in the world doing Direct Metal Mastering. They were doing it the same way as they do it for the philharmonic orchestras so it is very precise and very minuscule. It is all very specific and you have to be very good at it, as you only get one try! It was really was an amazing experience.

You appealed to fans through a crowd funding internet campaign to get the album made. Was this the first time you'd chosen to make an album in this way and do you see this as the future of production?

Yes, I do think that because basically artists are poor but they still have ideas. Even if you have the equipment to record music, at home or in a basic studio, you always need financing. Very few record companies exist and if they do, they do not have the same means as before. Many artists decide to put their music out there, directly to the people and with YouTube and the Internet they do have the technical means to do it. You obviously still need money to do the financing and the promoting and you need help!

Yes. It is about appealing to real music lovers, people who genuinely love music and want to hear good music being made.

Absolutely. It is a specialist thing, but even Spike Lee is doing it now!

White LogoWhen did you start working with Jazz FM and do you listen to the station yourself? 

Yes, when I used to live in London I listened a lot! I started working with them because Chris Philips heard the duet with Leon Ware (A Seed In You) and began pushing the album. He chose it as Record of the Week and tweeted about it - that was amazing for us! He is such an idol of mine;  a wonderful music DJ. These people have a passion for their music, they are pushing it and educating the masses - and I love that. They have no constraints; they play the music they want to play and people love them for it.

Yes, it is a tireless passion. Chris Philips was a legend when I was younger and he still is for me now! 

Yes, they are still on top of their game and still miles ahead.


Last summer I went to the inaugural Love Supreme Festival and have my 2014 tickets. Do you play at festivals, and is this something you enjoy doing yourself?

Yes, I love playing at festivals. I think the format is amazing, because people come for one day or for three days. With Jazz FM organising  a festival you know it is going to be all incredible. So yes, I will be purchasing my tickets to go there too.

Brilliant… will see you at the bar! You have a rich and extensive discography, featuring your own material and collaborations with other artists. Do you have a favourite song in your own discography that you really like to perform?

It is always my new baby; my new album but obviously I love of all of them. It is a really difficult question for me as all the songs I do are a labour of love. I spend a lot of time doing the music, doing the lyrics, and so it is very difficult for me to pick up truly a winner!

I am looking forward to hearing Jazzinho live at Rich Mix. What does playing live in London mean to you?

It means a lot because it means that what is the heart of music, at least for Europe if not the world, wants me there and wants me as part of their scene. This is the town where everybody from the entire world wants to play and now they want me there too. I will be playing for the kind of audience which is educated, vibrant and exciting. You guys are curious. I am very honoured and very flattered, and really excited.

You shared the band line up earlier and also hinted on your blog we can expect a few surprises on the night. Can you give us a clue?

I am hoping that we will have a big surprise and it will be somebody that will come to sing with me on stage. That would be really big and really exciting, but obviously I cannot reveal too much!

Is there anything else you wanted to say about working with Graham Harvey, Richard Bailey, Julian Crampton and Jim Mullen?

Jim Mullen already played on my previous album, Atlas, produced by Ed Motta, and so we got him one morning to do a couple of songs. He listened to them just once and produced his magic. I was in such awe of him that when we thought we could get him for this new album and with us on stage, we jumped at the chance. We couldn't be more pleased; he is such an amazing musician and a great guy.

Graham Harvey had played on the previous album too. He was a musician and I loved his playing. He stayed on our minds - mine and Stef's. When we were looking for somebody to produce our new album, we thought of him. He has done great music studies and he knows not only how to write but to arrange. He is a genius and a lovely man too so when he accepted and was really excited, we thought that was great. Great musicians were saying yes to this project so that was really encouraging.

On Twitter, you describe yourself as ' a mother, a singer, a teacher and a sinner - you play your music in the sun'.

Yes, that is what I do. I sing a little bit, then I do the cooking, then I sing a bit more, then I take the dog out!

How do you balance all of these important roles,  that can take you across the globe, and how do you relax?

They can be very long days but then on the other hand, health wise I am quite reasonable. I suppose that I am like a cat - I have lived some of my lives, but I guess that I still have some more to live!

You've also been described as a free spirit. What does this mean to you?

I have always been independent, I do not know what it is like to work for a company from 9-5. I have been very lucky in my life as I have been able to do what I have wanted to do. That is something I would advise everyone -  if you really like something go for it! The most important thing is to be happy in your life - doing what you love doing.

You quoted that your musical inspirations have included Stevie Wonder, Chaka Khan and Ed Motta. Is there anyone else you would like to meet or collaborate with?

There are loads of people who I would love to meet. I would love to meet Stevie Wonder and Chaka Khan. There are so many wonderful musicians in the world! I would also love to work with Dianne Reeves, Lalah Hathaway and Gregory Porter and to try and make music with them. Between musicians, that is our language and how we communicate with each other.

What other styles of genres or music do you take inspiration from?

I am inspired by Brazilian music so I listen to a lot of that. I am also inspired by Jazz and by classical. I love to listen to Maria Callas, and I also like Parveen Sultana, an Indian singer. I like really different styles but all of these things enrich and colour my musical world.

Is there a modern artist out there at the moment who has really caught your attention?

Yes, there is an English guy, a very young man, called Jacob Collier who is amazing. He is a multi-instrumentalist. He sings also and does all of his own arrangements. I discovered him as a friend posted something about him doing a cover on YouTube of Stevie Wonder's Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing. If you look him up, he is out of this world. He really deserves to be up there with the greatest.

How are you planning to spend your time in London. How are you planning to relax around your gig?

Basically from the time we arrive to the time we leave, I am going to rehearse, then do the gig. The following day we are doing an album signing at Soul Brother Records in Putney - on the 1 March 2014 at 1.00 pm so please come and join us! After the show, we are planning to go to a jazz club, maybe to 606 Club.

Sounds like a perfect London day and night! Thank you Guida, it has been an absolute pleasure to speak with you. I wish you all the very best and look forward to seeing you on the 28th February at Rich Mix.

It was a pleasure talking to you Nicola, you are lovely. All the best. The pleasure was mine.

You can watch an excerpt of my interview with Guida de Palma here

Guida and Jazziho will be playing at Rich Mix on Friday 28 February 2014. For tickets and more information please visit the Jazz FM website.

On Saturday 1 March 2014 from 1pm, Guida will be signing copies of her album Velduo at Soul Brother Records, 1 1 Keswick Road, East Putney, London, SW15 2HL

You can check out more of Guida's music on her blog:

Follow Guida on Twitter:

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All You Read is Love


All You Read is Love is an independent bookstore / café run by very affable Danish siblings Karen Holst Bundgaard and Anders Bundgaard and currently can be found popped up on Hoe Street, in Walthamstow, London, E17.

There has been a considerable buzz about AYRiL for some time now since its opening on 22 January 2014 and so I was keen to see, read and taste just what all the fuss was about - and what well deserved furore it was.


AYRiL serves Scandinavian-inspired sandwiches, cider, craft beer and ales from Danish micro-brewery Mikkeller and responsibly sourced delicious baked goods - all complimented by delicious, quality coffee described by E17 coffee as having good body and depth. In addition good tunes, wine and special cocktails are on offer as part of their very impressive repertoire.

I am a self-confessed book-worm. I am definitely partial to a slice of cake or two every now and then and most readers of Material Whirl would have deduced by now I enjoy a tipple or three and some decent music. Throw free Wi-Fi, literary events and DJ nights (oh, and Espresso Martinis) into the mix and this creates a delectable combination.


AYRiL is one classy pop-up and those clever Stow'ers have quickly cottoned on. On the Saturday I visited, there wasn't a spare seat in the house, with all design tables and chairs occupied by families with young children, lone readers taking time to savour the finer things and mull over a paperback and a hipster couple sporting fluorescent Nikes with sketchbooks and iPhones in hand - all executed with effortless London insouciance. Lounging on a stripy apple green, burgundy and yellow sofa two young girls laughed and chattered, blissfully unaware they sat beneath a newspaper clipping of the now legendary article Off You Go to Awesome-stow (Susannah Butter, Evening Standard, 24 January 2014),  possibly themselves part of the new set that appears to be coming to E17 in their droves.

New and secondhand books for sale are propped up impressively on shelves, stacked neatly on side tables, and spill effortlessly from a battered brown suitcase. Stocking mainly nineteenth and twentieth century classics and contemporary British, Scandinavian and American literary fiction a variety of authors are featured, including Bukowski, Auster, Carver, Munro, McEwan and Kafka to name a few.

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Bookshelves are nestled comfortably amongst cool mismatched furniture and bright pops of colour are splashed elegantly about; hello daffodils in white tea cups and anglepoise lamps. There is a cheery children's area and striking illustrations crafted by artist Kamila Slocinska are framed for sale on the walls.

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At the counter, Karen and Anders furiously made steaming hot coffee to meet the demands of a steady stream of thirsty people coming through the doors. They whipped up Scandinavian style sandwiches and sliced fluffy Blackberry and Raspberry Cheesecake with a smile, not once forgetting anyones order and chatting to everyone individually. People grin a lot at AYRiL, which is understandable given all of the above. The prices are reasonable - £1.80 for a good strong Americano, £2.00 for a deliciously devilish Millionaire Short Bread Tart topped with a sprig of mint.


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The classy pop up celebrates the individual and unconventional rather than the mainstream. For those looking to expand their literary knowledge, AYRiL facilitates events and workshops, set against the backdrop of their bookshop.


Soon it was time to leave, with freshly purchased copies of Revolutionary Road and Tender is the Night tucked under my arm (and an extra Millionaire Short Bread Tart for good measure). Departing was no easy feat - I  wanted to stay ensconced in the warm café with an endless flow of strong coffee and cinnamon rolls - oh OK then, I'll have a Kopparberg cider, why not -  and greedily gorge on the whole lot, cakes, books and beers, until I burst.

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Alas, time waits for no woman and I had to dash; besides I did not want to overstay my welcome, despite Karen and Anders being so personable and friendly you feel like you have known them for ages. I left comforting Scandi-cool and made my way back out to Hoe Street, which clattered on noisily outside.

Sadly, AYRiL may not be with us infinitely. Currently a pop-up for three weeks only at this venue, Karen and Anders are yet to find a permanent home in the burgeoning area. We are keeping our fingers crossed and our eyes peeled for suitable locations for them - please share the love and let them know of any openings. In the meantime, join Steven James Adams for the closing party which if my first visit is anything to go by, should be a very good knees up indeed.

Wishing you all the best Karen and Anders, and hope to see you again at your permanent residency in E17 soon.



Unit 3, Central Parade 

Hoe Street

Walthamstow E17 4RT

Tuesday - Saturday : 10am-10pm and Sunday: 10am-8pm

Domali Café, Crystal Palace


Being back down South of the River on a temporary basis has many benefits. It offers the opportunity for quality time with family and locally based friends. To discover new places that have popped up over the last few years; hopping on a bus to Brixton and checking out the Village Market (still to do) for example or working greedily through new eateries in Balham and Clapham. To revisit old, reliable favourites - like Domali.

Domali is a vegetarian-pescetarian café in Crystal Palace. It is a firm favourite with the locals and has been in business for over seventeen years, standing proudly on Westow Street amongst an eclectic mix of restaurants, pubs, bookshops and bakeries.

With a contemporary feel and local art displayed on the walls (for perusing or purchasing), it is a smart but relaxed affair. The atmosphere is bustling and vibrant and the staff are friendly but leave you to your own devices which means you can enjoy a lively Sunday brunch with friends or a quiet lunch, just you and a book. Domali pulls in an interesting mixture of creative, trendy types, devoted locals and large groups of families and friends so there is never a dull moment. Free WiFi ensures there are plenty of iPods/Pads/Phones on display, with any online activity fuelled by the great coffee on offer. There is also a seductive garden out back which is perfect for alfresco dining.


It is the food that draws me back time and time again though – British, Mediterranean and Asian-inspired fare. You can have any meal your heart (and stomach) desires; breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea, pre-supper cocktails and nibbles or candlelit evening meal. Domali serves vegetarian and fish dishes exclusively but carnivores need not look away now. The menu is extensive and the portions are ginormous enough to satisfy the most hungry of diners with imaginative and fresh flavours.

Doorstop sandwiches come in a variety of wholesome combinations (the hummus and carrot is especially good) and the salads are substantial (vegetarian bacon anyone?). The BCM – Baked beans, Cheddar and Marmite on two hunks of farmhouse toast will defeat the deadliest of hangover, but if you are after something a little more refined, the smoked haddock fish cakes with chunky chips, tartar sauce and salad do the trick too I've been told. Add to the mix an array of regular and changing specials, delectable side dishes, fresh fruit smoothies, and homemade cakes and desserts and the result is greedy satisfaction.


Arrive early before the crowds get there to avoid the queue. Grab the squishy leather couch positioned by the window, order a steaming mug of the decadent but divine White Hot Chocolate, a Domali legend, and watch the locals go by. A perfectly brilliant afternoon in this unique Crystal Palace institution.



020 8768 0096

Thank you 2013, it's been a blast.


Thank you to each and everyone of my Material Whirl followers. The likers, the admiring head-nodders, the laugh-out-louders, the sharers, the forwarders, and the retweeters.

You make... late nights after long (real job) days surviving only by the power of Diet Coke, standing on the tube with my face way too close to a stranger and typing on an iPhone, the solitary coffees in cafes with just me and my Mac, and the begging, emailing, researching...absolutely 100% worth it.

With your help and support 2013 has seen Material Whirl take a small but noticeable step (in uncomfortable, but new shoes). I am lucky to have reviewed some fantastic acts for Jazz FM, have guest reviewed for some smashing London hangouts with their support (and retweets) and some inspiring fashion people have even been in touch with me. Right this minute, I have 139 Facebook likes, 100 Instagram followers and 411 Twitter followers with numbers rising - not bad but definitely need more.

2013 was kind to Material Whirl. Did you know a New York City subway train holds 1,200 people? Well, this blog was viewed about 8,000 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 7 trips to carry that many people. That makes me smile and keeps me motivated to do more in 2014. - have a quick read of my report below (with fancy images, thanks Wordpress)

Here's a little report of Material Whirl's progress in 2013.

It is a great start and I am absolutely over the moon; but 2014 needs to be bigger and even better (with more NYC subway train trips. Or, even better, Tube trips if I knew the stats on that). Hopefully this is just the beginning.

Thank you so much to each and everyone of you who made it happen.

Happy New Year. I hope 2014 brings you everything you want and deserve... I have a feeling it is going to be spectacular.


Stanfords Bookshop, Covent Garden


Stanfords is an incredible travel bookshop located on Long Acre in Covent Garden.

Samuel Johnson once said ‘when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford’. I couldn’t agree more. That said, it is nice to dream of visiting far-flung places every now and then. Or, you may choose to use your precious time in London as a springboard to visit other European destinations for a weekend. Whatever your inspiration, escape the hustle and bustle of tourist-laden Covent Garden and transport yourself anywhere you desire in the world – care of this amazing travel bookshop.


Stanfords is bursting with maps scaling every inch of the globe, stylish city guides, an abundance of Lonely Planets and clever gadgets to satisfy the geekiest of gadget lover. It stocks a fantastic range of modern travel fiction and non-fiction to take the place of a backpacking buddy and browsing the shelves is a global adventure in itself. You can also pick up some truly unique gifts and go on, treat yourself to a beautiful  journey to capture on paper all of your own travel tales. It opened in 1901 and past customers include Florence Nightingale and even Sherlock Holmes (in The Hound of the Baskervilles) adding to the sense of history and quintessential London.

Stanfords has an in-store Sacred Café, serving typical New Zealand organic fair trade coffee roast and a range of teas. Hearty food adds to a real Antipodean experience in London.

I love whiling away a few hours in Stanfords because, like travelling itself, entering through the doors is an adventure into the unknown and always inspirational. You may only intend to browse or buy a gift, but guaranteed you will leave with a head full of dreams and solid plans for your next trip.

Although you won’t be able to stay away from London too long of course.
