A Sentence a Day - 5 January 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 5 January 2017.



What made you smile today?


After offering my son Evan three different choices of food at breakfast, steaming and pureeing and mashing and toasting but with no luck, I sat back to take my first gulp of tea (despite being up for three hours) and read one line of Mama Disrupt magazine when suddenly a piece of toast hit my head and I heard him chuckle. Well, I had to smile didn't I?

A Sentence a Day - 3 January 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 3 January 2017.



What three words best describe your day?


  1. Busy, 2. enjoyable and 3. unusually balanced.

(1. Looking after my 7 month old who is a gorgeous, solid-food eating, playful bundle is a full-time job in itself. 2. It was my hubbie's final day of the Christmas holidays and we all went out for lunch and a walk and 3. because I got 45 minutes out of the day to escape to the gym, a bit of time to answer some blog emails and post this post and even 2 minutes to decide what book to read next. Bliss).
