A Sentence A Day - 2 February 2015

IMG_9186-0 In 2015 I will be writing a Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 2 February 2015.



Which famous living person would you like to have dinner with?


Grace Dent - journalist, author, broadcaster and food critic extraordinaire; she'd blag us a table at the so-hot-it-hurts hot new hot place in hipsterville this week (avoiding queuing / smug rejection by an 18-year-old with a clipboard) and we'd get smashed on champagne and stuffed on something with hummus and cause all kinds of mischief; I imagine my stomach'd hurt from laughing - as it does when I read Grace and Flavour - and we'd sod about and reminisce about the 90s, and I'd take a cab all the way home and flip off my shoes, and quite possibly leave them in it, and best of all the Evening Standard would pick up the tab (probably).
