A Sentence a Day - 11 February 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 11 February 2017.



What makes your house a home?


Aesthetics are important and I love all the books, photographs and fashion memorabilia, but it's the people in it and the good times we share, the laughs we have and the mess we make that makes my house a home.

A Sentence a Day - 9 February 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 9 February 2017.



What would your perfect day look like?


After a night of uninterrupted sleep I'd wake early to cuddles with my baby and husband and head off for some me-time at the gym before breakfast, then we'd head into London town (I'd read all the way on the tube) and hang out; a fashion exhibition, some shopping, mooching about and going to The Palomar for lunch and champagne -  we'd head home, I'd have two hours of solid writing time while the boys snoozed, just about time for a game of tennis, then we'd head off to a huge house in the English countryside where all our friends and family would be waiting for a big party with great music before crashing out in a huge comfy bed and reflecting on my perfect day - doing the things I love with the people I love.

*too much in one day?

** I can dream, right?

A Sentence a Day - 8 February 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 8 February 2017.



Who would you like to thank?


(1) My Mum who helped looked after my baby today and used her Nana Superpowers to restore me and the house to some semblance of order and calmness and (2) My big sis who, despite being crazy busy in and out of work and raising her own children has offered to babysit so me and my hubbie can have our first date night for 9 months - I'm very lucky.

A Sentence a Day - 7 February 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 7 February 2017.



When was the last time you were ill?


I honestly can't remember; since I had my baby boy Evan at times I've felt a little under the weather - but one of the things I've learnt about being a parent is you haven't really got time to be sick and I've learnt to power through...

A Sentence a Day - 5 February 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 5 February 2017.



When was the last time you received a letter from a loved one?


It was last month from my lovely friend Jan, who sent me a thank you note with a really thoughtful message inside and it actually made my day; there's nothing quite like receiving a handwritten card in the post.

A Sentence a Day - 31 January 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 31 January 2017.



What are you looking forward to?


So many things this year, but one of them is definitely playing tennis again and resuming my coaching - for fitness, wellbeing and relaxation purposes and inspired by the Williams Sisters.

A Sentence a Day - 30 January 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 30 January 2017.



What was the last gift you received and who was it from?


A grey marl sweater from Seed Heritage and a Coconut Vanilla Lip Balm from Cotton On Foundation*, a gift from my lovely parents all the way from Sydney, Australia.

(The Cotton On Foundation is the Cotton On Group’s philanthropic arm, focused on developing and supporting projects in Southern Uganda and others globally, through a unique partnership with customers and employees. You can find out more about it here).

A Sentence a Day - 29 January 2017


In 2017 I will be writing A Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 29 January 2017.



When did you wake up today?


At 1.30 am, at 3.45 am, at 6.30 am and 7.45 am due to my lovely little 8 month old baby who thinks sleep is for losers.