A Sentence A Day - 1 February 2015

IMG_9186-0 In 2015 I will be writing a Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 1 February 2015.



What is worrying you?


Hmmm, where to start... I'm such a worry wart; well right now the fact that so many of us walk while looking at our phones risking an accident and overlooking nature, that people mindlessly gape at their phones rather than reading a book on public transport and that the proliferation of selfies is turning us all into narcissist fools. 

The other day a follow customer in Topps Tiles Boutique in Islington (big shout out) took a number of selfies while the sales guy was downstairs getting samples. I could only watch in horrified fascination as she proceeded to pose and pout unashamedly and look like a complete wally. Selfies in Topps! What did she hashtag? #tiles #grout #tileface ? The mind boggles.
