As well as writing my own blog, I'm also a contributing writer for RockShot - a popular UK based online music photography magazine that features live gig reviews, festival coverage, interviews and portraits.

My fellow writers and photographers really know their stuff, and together we have compiled a list of the Albums of The Year 2016 which you can find here. 

My personal Top Ten Albums of the Year are below (in no apparent order).

The 1975 - I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It


Even The 1975’s frontman Matt Healy said “I’m challenging people to sit through an hour and 15 minutes and 17 songs that all sound completely different from each other. It’s quite an emotional investment”. Challenge accepted, it’s teeming with clever, brilliant tracks (and one of the most memorable album titles of the year even it if was too interminable for some people).

Michael Kiwanuka - Love & Hate


Following the success of gold-selling Home Again, which contains one of the most haunting tracks ever produced, Bones - the follow up doesn't disappoint. It’s complex and at times beautifully tormented and fragile, but overall a powerful collection of soulful music.

Justice - Woman


You don’t have to be an electro-head to appreciate French duo Justice. The explosive blend of disco, dance, rock, funk and more is a delicious antidote to a year that most of us would rather forget.

Beyoncé - Lemonade


Beyoncé's Lemonade featured on most of the 'best of' compilations of the year, and it's easy to see why. A politically charged, confident powerhouse of a record tackling a number of important themes including female identity, black empowerment and infidelity, Beyonce continues to dominate. Becky with the good hair needs to be worried.

Azymuth - Fênix


The kings of Brazilian jazz-funk Azymuth, are back after a five-year break (and sadly the passing of keyboard prodigy Jose Roberto Bertrami in 2012) to regain their crowns. A heady blend of bass, synths, percussion and vocals radiate a wave of energy of warmth.

Kadhja Bonet - The Visitor


Kadhja Bonet has been described as sounding “like someone who fell to Earth from heaven” - and she does. The Visitor is beautiful, mysterious and ethereal and touches upon a spectrum of genres including soul, jazz, and R’n’B. It is smooth and clear but it sizzles too.

Christine and the Queens - Chaleur Humaine


Chaleur Humaine spent the majority of the last two years in the French Top 40 and it’s easy to see why. It’s rich and rewarding electro-pop and very cool, just like Héloïse Letissier herself who secured the global-recognition she deserved this year.

Gallant - Ology


Ology is one of those albums that attaches itself to you on one single listen, in a really good way. Sultry R&B grooves recall the ‘80s and ‘90s but Gallant offers a modern, poetic take and an impressively broad vocal range. Skipping Stones is exquisite.

William Poyer - Born Lucky


Born Lucky, written by Poyer during his time in Mexico, is an impressive, 7-track collection of acoustic music that demonstrates a genuine attention to his craft and the sounds of driving, melodic Americana.

Solange - A Seat at The Table


A Seat at The Table had a lot of people very, very excited on release, and deservedly so. It reflects Solange’s evolution and represents empowerment and strength, proving she is an artist to be taken seriously, just like her big sister. Raw and powerful.

Extracts from this list appear on RockShot's Albums of the Year 2016 along with some excellent music recommendations. It's a diverse and brilliant collection of records - check it out.

William Poyer - Born Talented

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Americana music has always appealed to me.

I think it’s the spirit of travel and escapism it evokes and the heady blend of country, folk, R&B and blues amongst others. Discovering artists that brilliantly represent this genre of music always makes me feel gratified and William Poyer is no exception. Thanks to Brixton-based independent label Laid Bare Records, it’s possible to be transported to his evocative world without even leaving the house.

Famous for the Laid Bare Live acoustic gigs, which have attracted a cult following on the London music scene, Laid Bare Records is fast becoming a recognised staple for launching up-and-coming talent and is proud to support quality independent artists - which can only be a good thing.

William is a Welsh-born singer/storywriter who has just returned from a three-year stint in Mexico, departing on a journey of discovery and with the intention of honing a sound unique to him. It's safe to say his mission has been accomplished with the launch of his stunning first single, Fell The Truth at the end of April from the debut album Born Lucky.


Written during his time in Mexico, Born Lucky is an impressive, seven-track collection of acoustic music that demonstrates a genuine attention to his craft. I love the backstory to the inaugural single Fell The Truth as well as the track itself. A chance read by William about a case involving a criminal found guilty of murder who was acquitted on appeal years later, only to finally admit to the murder on his deathbed, inspired him to write the single.

The track explores the psyche of the man involved and is told from the first-person perspective, and although the case was UK-based, it is deeply inspired by Poyer’s time in North America lending itself well to the Americana theme. Has a whiff of Making a Murderer about it, don’t you think?  The accompanying video is directed by Carlos A. Corona San Pedro.

I listened to Born Lucky on repeat at least three times over, the sounds and images of driving, melodic Americana running in my head as I wrote this post from the comfort of my house in London, E17 and pretended it was me in that cracking outfit that Paulina Barcelo wears in the video to Two Days Later.

The album makes for a compelling acoustic collection and also demonstrates William's talent for songwriting. Stand out tracks for me include Makings of a Man with a catchy hook that inhabits your mind cheerfully after just one listen (I can cheat, I can steal, I’ve got the Makings of a Man in me) and the brilliantly titled The Liars, The Bitches, The Crooks and The Thieves.

After a successful Album Launch Party and Laid Bare Showcase at Brixton East on 28 April, which sadly I had to miss, I’m hoping to catch William at one of his upcoming  shows:

The Pack & Carriage, Mornington Crescent – 7 May 2016

Century Club, Soho – 12 May 2016

The Sunday Social at Old Queens Head, Angel – 15 May 2016

Nozstock Festival, Herefordshire – 22, 23, 24 July 2016

Born lucky? Born talented.


Conveying great emotion through its storytelling, the guitar chords transported us to Poyer's world. So much so, the audience wouldn't allow him to say goodbye without asking for one last piece."

Sofar Sounds, Mexico







Laid Bare Live - Winter Rooftop Vibes


A few weeks back (ARGH, WHERE DID JANUARY GO?) I had the pleasure of spending the night at Century, a members club hidden behind a inconspicuous door on London's Shaftesbury Avenue.

I was there not just to revel in the swish surroundings but specifically for Laid Bare Live, a brilliant live music night offering up the best unsigned musicians, singers and poets this great city has produced and providing a platform for up-and-coming talent to play to the masses. Luckily for the music heads, it's a regular monthly event and I think you should check it out.

Firstly, some history. Laid Bare Live began as an open mic night in 2013 at The Ritzy in BrixtonSouth London organised by the polymathic Rami Radi - a Brixton-based musician, producer and mixer, editor, podcast host and cameraman. Rami was inspired by his time organising music nights at university and participating in open mic nights in London. With drive and passion, in time he developed the event into an acoustic night called Laid Bare Live, sourcing and securing a multifarious group of talented acts along the way.

Laid Bare has been going strong for two years and in January Rami built on its strong foundations with the creation of a record label called Laid Bare Records. The label recently celebrated its first EP release from singer-songwriter Chris Belson, the exquisite Moon Songs, with a sound being compared to Radiohead.

Laid Bare Live now boasts additional residencies at eclectic venues such as Brixton East, Fu Manchu Bar and Hackney Attic. Each show is carefully curated by Rami with quality performances from local artists showcasing their talent.

My first Laid Bare experience was memorable. Century club is beautiful in its own right, boasting four floors including a cocktail lounge, two restaurants, a screening bar and a performance stage but Rami’s decision to host his event up on the covered roof terrace, apparently Soho’s largest, was inspired. 

With exposed brickwork chimneys, a scattering of fairy lights and unbeatable views of London Town in all its glory, when you reach the top you have to stop and take it all in for a minute before even thinking about the bar. It's intimate without being poky and with lanterns emanating a warm wintry glow it creates the perfect setting for great live music. 


With the quality of musicians on offer, a guest list available at just £3 upon request and THAT venue it’s easy to see why Rami draws a crowd - and a friendly, unpretentious one at that, happily chatting in between acts and grabbing a beer. 



On the night all the artists and their acoustic sets were brilliant, but it was Daniel Greenwood whose music seemed to stay with me afterwards. He has a lovely Dylan-esque sound, plays the harmonica like a pro, and his cover of Ryan Adams’ Come Pick Me Up had me scrambling around on YouTube to hunt it down.


The next Laid Bare event is at Century on Thursday 18 February 2016 and will feature Harry Pane (catch him before he plays at Glastonbury this year) William Poyer, Archie Sylvester and Days are Done.  

Doors open at 7pm, don’t be late now…