London Event - Launch of Anatomy of a Soldier

"It's marvellously told and this way of telling it ... giving the inanimate a voice ... is both engrossing and distancing and I know of nothing quite like it". (Alan Bennett)

Last night I braved the Leicester Square hordes (and swiftly ducked down Cecil Court to elude them), and joined Faber & Faber and Goldsboro Books for the launch of Harry Parker's Anatomy of a Soldier, Goldsboro's March Book of the Month.

Anatomy of a Soldier has gained recognition over the past few weeks, with deservedly glowing reviews, tweets and features on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Breakfast News to name a few. I had been lucky to read a preview at the end of 2015 and was deeply moved by this astonishing novel. I was waiting for it to be Parker’s time and with a US publishing deal and the book being translated into other languages, it looks like that time is now.


Former Rifles Captain Harry Parker was on foot patrol in Afghanistan when he stepped on an IED (improvised explosive device) and lost his left leg. A subsequent infection later claimed his right leg and despite life-changing injuries, extensive operations and having to learn to walk again, he now moves confidently on prosthetics.

His debut novel is a work of fiction, rather than personal memoir, but draws on his own experiences in the conflict zone. It introduces us to Captain Tom Barnes, mostly known as BA5799, who is blown up by an IED while returning from patrol. We learn of the lead up to his injury, the aftermath, the local people and insurgents who planted the bomb and the friends and family that rally around him.

Yet, what makes Anatomy of a Soldier so extraordinary is the way Parker has chosen to narrate it - rather than offering us straightforward characters, instead forty-five inanimate objects provide the novel’s voice. These objects, including surgical equipment, his mother’s handbag and a pair of trainers worn by an insurgent cleverly show us the complexities and barbarity of war.

It’s unusual, I know, but it has to be read to be believed.

“It is a novel of concentrated ferocity and chilling accomplishments, tense and unflinching but alive to every nuance of feeling" (Hilary Mantel)

Generally speaking, I don’t tend to choose books about conflict, finding them a little too brutal and I can’t deny I had preconceptions when I started Anatomy of a Soldier. These assumptions dissipated by the end of the first chapter - Parker is a terrifically skilled writer, and his portrayal has great empathy and intelligence. Chapters seamlessly switch between the battlefield, the hospitals and treatment rooms, his family home and the pub with great effect.

Undoubtedly, the descriptions of Barnes’ injuries are shocking (‘the green blankets were flat where limbs should have been’) and there are heart-in-mouth moments throughout; exchanges between Barnes and other injured patients, when friends come to visit his family home to share a beer and he falls out of his wheelchair, and England, with its beauty, its tantalising familiarities and normality being so far away - surely none of us can imagine how that feels.

Parker’s depiction of the detonation (recounted by the bomb itself) creates a sad juxtaposition for the reader - the sky a dome of stars as the dry mud about the bomb flexes, cracks down and pushes its metal strips together, creating a circuit that filled its wires. It functions, and all thoughts of glimmering stars are forgotten.

The objects themselves allow you to get close to the action, but at the same time you remain comfortably distant; numbly removed from the horror. At times they sound hostile and dangerous.  The ending genuinely had me in tears. It reminded me that war is senseless - there are no real winners.

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Surrounded by beautifully preserved first editions in Goldsboro’s bookshop, and after being introduced by Faber & Faber Editor Lee Brackstone, Parker spoke a few words of appreciation for those who had helped Anatomy of a Soldier come to life. He seemed visibly moved by the attention.

Afterwards I took the plunge and introduced myself to the author while I could; understandably everyone wanted to snatch a few words with him. I found Parker to be humble and self-deprecating; honestly, if I had even an ounce of his intelligence and modesty and had been able to transform an unthinkable experience into a moving, inspiring and unique novel I'd basically be a massive show off. Anatomy of a Soldier is an extraordinary, imaginative debut that draws on great humanity and heroism, about surviving the unsurvivable.

During his short speech, Parker said ‘I wish the book could talk, not me’. ‘It does’ said a representative from Goldsboro Books and I couldn't agree more.

Read this book, please.


Anatomy of a Soldier by Harry Parker is out now. (Faber & Faber)






Woolfson & Tay and loving independent bookshops

Books are my bag

Books Are My Bag is the biggest ever campaign for bookshops – running right up until Christmas 2013 - and encourages all those who love books - like, real books you can actually hold in your hands where the words within are served on delicious paper - to share your book-love by visiting your local bookshop. This is, of course, the best place to connect with books, where you can see them, smell and touch them, and maybe event talk about them with people who care as much as you do. Regular readers of Material Whirl may recall I recently wrote about this subject here. I like books, and I like talking about them.


So I am always pleased to discover a brilliant bookshop that feeds my greedy book-love. Enter Woolfson & Tay, a stylish independent bookshop, café and gift shop a stone’s throw away from Southwark tube on the famous orange lamppost route in Bankside. Tucked discreetly away from the bustling commotion of  the South Bank, this is a great place to grab a coffee and while away an afternoon with only your favourite novel and a latte for company

Now I am a great lover of a secondhand bookshop but, to be absolutely clear, this is no antiquarian hangout. Instead, you will find an elegant and carefully selected range of crisp, new titles from the latest modern fiction to vintage classics – all with that intoxicating newly printed smell. The shelves are lined neatly with an impressive range of books that have been on your must-read list for as long as you can remember. This is a place to stop, slow down, take a breath. You can browse and select in your own time, and I think you will agree there is something rather beautiful about actually holding a book; reading the back page synopsis and absorbing its cover rather than scrolling aimlessly down a screen of images.

You'll find more on the menu at Woolfson & Tay than just sumptuous books. There are author talks and performances, events such as 'The Sunday Record' and tai chi classes and workshops. A homemade Asian lunch is available from Monday to Friday - a sample menu includes Fried Tofu Squares in Sweet Sour Soy Tamarind Sauce, with side of Asian Salad in Wasabe-Miso Sesame Dressing and Nasi Lemak with Malaysian Chicken Curry - as well as an eclectic mix of tea, coffee and cakes. Yum. The gifts and cards are stylish and unique and I guarantee your friends will love you if you purchase something special for them from here.

What gives this indie bookshop even more of an edge is the fact that it is independent. It contains real people and real books and it is right here, right now on your local street. So as well as enjoying the creative space you can feel content knowing you have done a good deed for the day – supporting your local community with every flick of the page and sip of hot, strong coffee.

Woolfson & Tay is situated on the charmingly named Bear Lane. Grab a hot drink and a window seat for ample opportunity to watch Bankside go by – office workers grabbing a lunchtime pint at The White Bear, actors on their way to Jerwood Space, tourists on their way down to the river. This could well be your dream indie bookshop in South London.

Check it out.