A Sentence A Day - 13 January 2015


In 2015 I will be writing a Sentence a Day. You can read more about why here.

Today is the 13 January 2015.




What was your favourite part of today?


I grabbed some lunch away from my desk [in a well-known eatery, no product placement here] and they played the entire 'In Between Dreams' album by Jack Johnson which made me think of living and travelling in Australia; I ate my lunch, wrote some cards, read up on today's fashion news, spoke to my better half and answered WhatsApp messages from friends, my big sis and my Dad who shared a cute photo of my nephew Fred sweeping up wintry leaves in the garden. 

Productive, fashion-educational, nostalgic and communicating with special people. Just how I like my lunch. Food was involved too, as you would expect from a lunch break. I went back to work with a clearer head and ready to tackle whatever the afternoon threw at me.
